
Which passport is the strongest?

The power of a passport is not to be undermined for travelling as it shows the number of countries a passport holder can access without the need for acquiring a visa before arrival at the host country. The rankings are calculated through the Henley passport index. This index shows the strength of the country in terms of travel which also takes into consideration the country's diplomatic relations and its international agreements. Countries that tend to have strong and positive diplomatic international relations often have strong passports which allow their holders to have diverse access to different countries without the need for procuring a visa.

Henley Passport Index

Henley passport index is the global ranking of countries depending on the number of countries and territories a normal citizen can access without the need for a visa. It began in the year 2006 and ranks 199 countries' passports annually. It has been working with the International Air Transport Association (IATA), and using official data from their global database; They have analyzed and regulated the visas of all the countries and territories since 2006.

Most powerful passport of 2023

The most powerful passport according to the Henley passport index which was released on 8th September, 2023 and is currently leading the ranking is the passport of Singapore which allows its holders access to 193 countries. In the year 2022, the Singaporean passport allowed its holders access to 192 countries without the need for any visa.

Access to different countries

A Singaporean passport provides its holder visa-free access to the Schengen countries, the United Kingdom, China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and other states. Apart from this a Singaporean passport holder who wants to travel to the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, will only require a digital entry permit.
